With SCALEX, museums can prepare and realise adaptive, knowledge-based exhibitions and exhibition components for use in site and online.

University of Linz

The University of Linz, Department of Business Information Systems, Communications Engineering performs teaching and research activities in the area of Interactive Distributed, (mostly Web-based) Software Systems. Besides design and implementation of such systems the holistic evaluation is of central interest. The development procedure follows a model-based engineering approach. Head of the Communications Engineering division is Chris Stary. He is currently full professor in Business Information Systems. He achieved his PhD in Conceptual Modeling of Human-Computer Interaction at the Vienna University of Technology in 1988, and was promoted for associate professor in 1993 there ('Habilitation') before becoming full professor in 1995 in Linz. He held several visiting professorships in Europe and the US. His main interest is the methodological integration of HCI-design with structured development techniques from software and knowledge engineering. Prof. Stary has authored several articles and books on interactive systems and usability engineering. He has been principle investigator in national and international projects, such as the following ones (which are content-related to SCALEX)

User Interfaces for All - Design for All: Within the IST (Information Society & Technology) track (5th framework programme) a thematic network has been established and case studies are performed to exploit DESIGN FOR ALL (cf. Stephanidis C.: User Interfaces for All, Lawrence Erlbaum, NJ, 2000) in an interdisciplinary discourse (2000-2003).

AVANTI, an ACTS (Advanced Communication Technologies and Services) project that has focussed on ‘Adaptive and Adaptable Interactions for Multimedia Telecommunications Applications’ (AC 042). Herein, a multimedia information kiosk has been evaluated and redesigned providing universal accessibility to information and interaction devices (1996-1998).

ERGO-SCREEN was part of the LEONARDO DA VINCI program, focussing on occupational education (‘Ergonomie als integraler Bestandteil beruflicher Bildung - am Beispiel von Euromodulen für Bildschirmarbeit’ D/95/2/2720/ P/II.1.1.a/Continuum). A seminar has been developed for employees in order to foster the implementation of principles stemming from software ergonomics and usability engineering (1996-99).

ACCESS was running under TIDE (Information Technologies for Disabled and Elderly People - TP 1001). ‘A Development Platform for Unified Access to Enabling Environments' has been designed and validated for different user groups (1996).

User Interface Design has been part of the COMETT II (Community Action Programme in Education and Training for Technology) program. A course on User Interface Design has been designed and implemented (1994).

Automated Test-Case Generation for Graphical User Interface Validation - SIEMENS - Test Support Center (IDATG, FFF-project Zl. 7/590/3069 until 1998) (1996-2000).

Styleguide Development for Encoded Speech Applications (Call Center Development) - ALCATEL Voice Processing Center, VIOLA-Multimedia Platform, FFF-project Zl. 3/10797/154) (1995).

Speech-based Faxtool - ALCATEL, VIOLA-Multimedia Platform, FFF-project Zl. 3/10797/154 (1995).

Subsymbolic Knowledge Processing for the Generation of Activity-Based Adaptive User Models - Upper Austrian Region Funding GZ Bi-220135/2-2000 (2000-2002).

See Me - Hear Me - Touch Me: Pictorial Tele-Cooperation for Multiply Impaired Users - The Austrian National Bank Fund No. 8411 (2000-2001).

Historical Mindmap Developments (HIST-MAP) - The Austrian Society for the History of Computer Science ÖGIG - Virtual Museum Design (1999-2002).

SCHOLION - Collaborative Scaleable Technologies for Teleteaching and Telelearning - BMWV, contract GZ.50.004/2-III/9/99 and University of Linz (1999-2001).

Logistic Chain Support through ICTs - Austrian Ministry of Public Affairs and Traffic and ITF (Innovations- und Technologieförderungsfonds - umbrella project ‘Logistik-Leitsysteme’ GZ 527.023/-V/A/61/95 (24.11.95) WP 3600) (1996-1998).

Guidelines for Evaluating VDU-Workplaces - Austrian Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment under contract GZ 120/19-GrA/95 in the course of implementing EU-directive EEC/90/270 on human-computer interaction (1995-1996).

Reviewing Instruments for the Evaluation of VDU-Workplaces - Austrian Ministry of Science and Research in preparation of implementing EU-directive EEC/90/270 on human-computer interaction (contract GZ 190.134/2-II/8/94) (1994-1995).

Cooperative Group Decision Support Systems for Surgery Planning - Austrian National Science Foundation (Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (FWF)) under contract P7743-PHY (1989-1993).

Hybrid Knowledge Representation through Rules - Austrian National Science Foundation (Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (FWF)) under contract P7762-HIS (1990-1992).

The results have been awarded as follows:

COMDEX’92: N-JOY: Innovation award for 1st integrated package for Presentation Manager (Vienna Software Publishing AG)

EU-CON II (Usability Testing according to EU-Directive 90/270/EEC): Research award by Arbeiterkammer Oberösterreich, together with Thomas Riesenecker-Caba (WORC - Working Life Research Center Vienna).

Key Persons:

Prof. Dr. Chris Stary is full professor in Business Informatics and working in the field of task- and user-centred design of interactive system for over 10 years. He has been working as a principal investigator in several EC-projects (AVANTI, ACCESS, ERGO-SCREEN) related to usability engineering issues. He achieved his PhD in Conceptual Modeling of Human-Computer Interaction at the Vienna University of Technology in 1988, and was promoted for associate professor in 1993 there ('Habilitation') before becoming full professor in 1995 in Linz. He held several visiting professorships in Europe and the US. His main interest is the methodological integration of HCI-design with structured development techniques from software and knowledge engineering. Prof. Stary has authored several articles and books on interactive systems and usability engineering.

Mag. Peter Eberle is research assistant at the Univ. of Linz and working in the field of adaptive systems, in particular user modeling and ontology definition. His main contribution will lie in the design of dynamic user models required for SCALEX .

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