SCALEX is developed in cooperation with museums and providers of digital content, who will use the product for the presentation and publication of their assets. It is tested and refined with model exhibitions in order to ensure that the product suits the needs and possibilities of exhibition authors.
The goals during the development of SCALEX were:
• Offer museums an easy to use and affordable toolbox for the creation of
digitally enhanced exhibitions to attract more and new visitors.
• Adapt digital media to the needs and base knowledge of different visitor
groups and thereby leading to a completely new and exiting exhibition experience.
• Support the reuse and exchange of digital exhibition content between museums.
The R&D Project is supported by the EC within the 5. framework program (IST – Information Society Technologies). The project is carried out with 11 partner institutions from 5 different countries and is coordinated by the department of Information-Design at the University of Applied Sciences FH Joanneum, Graz, Austria.